Chrysalis Invictus


Chrysalis Invictus is a devoted channel & voice of she-unnamed.  

Chrysalis was discovered on a pilgrimage to Glastonbury in 2005 & she sat dormant for nearly 15 years until she was ready to step forward. She is the embodiment of survival, rebirth, and energy transformation, transmutation & transfiguration. 

Invictus rose from Ancestral Work, & the motto 'Invictus Maneo' meaning 'I remain Unvanquished." There is no defeat in the cycles of rebirth, we allow death to reform us as a catalyst, a catharsis, a tool. 

Poet in Celtic traditions is a name for a spiritual healer like a shaman, witch, or medicine man. Poets use metaphor to heal the spirit. 

Poetry is the innate rhythm of being. Method is not as important as meaning. 

Chrysalis works with Spirit Guides & Allies as well as Ancestors of place, blood, & time to hold space and channel practices for you. 

Goddess Brigid guides our work as Healer, Poet & Smith and we have devotions to Wotan, Lugh, & the Morrigan. 

Uniquely Celtic influenced Yoga, Meditation, Shadow Work, Energy Work, & Intuitive Guidance. 

Chrysalis Invictus offers teachings in yoga & Intuitive movement, practical mindfulness methods, Meditation, journey work, Celtic energy work, as well as events & classes with themes in Elemental, Literary, & Earth Magick, Celtic & Native British Spirituality & Paganism.